Kiwi Videos allows you to watch in streaming or download your favorite videos directly from your mobile phone!
You can choose your preferred video player (Media Video Player ...), share the videos, pause the download and then resume it whenever you want!
Many video hosting are supported and continually updated including:
Kiwi Stream doesn't host any videos on its servers, any infringements of copyright can be attributed to the end user
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">猕猴桃影片可以让你在观看流媒体或直接从手机下载您喜欢的视频!
猕猴桃流不托管在其服务器上的任何视频,版权的任何侵犯都可以归结到最终用户</div> <div class="show-more-end">